Please fill in all * Required blanks

報名表格 Enrolment Form

請選擇 Please choose *

甲部 Section A

參加者資料 Participants Details (個人 Individual)

聯絡人稱謂 Title *

聯絡人姓名 Contact Person (Last Name, First name) *

聯絡電話 Tel. *

電郵 Email *

郵寄地址 Mailing Address

報名費 Registration Fee: *

每位參加者報名費為 HKD150 / Registration fee per participant is HKD150 *

報名費僅作活動報名之用,不包含任何捐款成分,主辦單位只會就額外捐款發出收據作扣稅用途。 Donation receipt will be issued to extra donation, there is no receipt for registration fee.


額外籌款額 Extra Donation:

本活動歡迎參加者籌募額外捐款,以支持地貧基金及地貧病友,凡額外捐款達HK$500或以上的參加者,可另外獲得精美感謝禮品一套。(Participant will receive a special gift set with an extra donation HK$500 or above)

有額外捐款的參加者名單 (例如:陳大文$100) Participants with extra donation (e.g. Chan Tai Man $100)

收據 Receipt (捐款HK$100或以上才獲發收據,作扣稅用途。 Official receipt will be issued for donation of HK $100 or above for tax deduction) *


乙部 Section B

小組/學校/機構組別資料 Donors /Participants Details (每位參加者報名費為HKD130 / Registration fee per participant is HKD130)


參加者人數 Total participants *

組別聯絡人資料 Contact Persons Details

聯絡人稱謂 Title *

聯絡人姓名 Contact Person (Last Name, First name) *

機構 / 學校名稱 Name of organization / school

聯絡電話 Tel. *

電郵 Email *

郵寄地址 Mailing Address

組員姓名、電郵及電話號碼 (例如:陳大文 / 電郵 / 電話號碼 ) Teammates name, email & mobile (e.g. Chan Tai Man / email / mobile) *

報名費 Registration Fee: *

每位參加者報名費為 HKD130 / Registration fee per participant is HKD130 ( HK$130 x 組別人數 Number of participants ) *

報名費僅作活動報名之用,不包含任何捐款成分,主辦單位只會就額外捐款發出收據作扣稅用途。 Donation receipt will be issued to extra donation, there is no receipt for registration fee.


額外籌款額 Extra Donation

本活動歡迎參加者籌募額外捐款,以支持地貧基金及地貧病友,凡額外捐款達HK$500或以上的參加者,可另外獲得精美感謝禮品一套。(Participant will receive a special gift set with an extra donation HK$500 or above)

有額外捐款的參加者名單 (例如:陳大文$100) Participants with extra donation (e.g. Chan Tin Man $100)

收據 Receipt (捐款HK$100或以上才獲發收據,作扣稅用途。 Official receipt will be issued for donation of HK $100 or above for tax deduction) *


丙部 Section C

捐款者資料 Donors Details

聯絡人稱謂 Title *

聯絡人姓名 Contact Person (Last Name, First name) *

聯絡電話 Tel. *

電郵 Email *

郵寄地址 Mailing Address

捐款金額 Donation : HKD$

收據 Receipt (捐款HK$100或以上才獲發收據,作扣稅用途。 Official receipt will be issued for donation of HK $100 or above for tax deduction) *

請問您從何處得知本活動? Where did you hear about our event?


Thank you for your participation in Sports for Thalassaemia 2021

Registration Confirmation will be issued to you by email within 3 working days.

註 Remarks: 
Participant below 18 of age must have the consent of their parents before registration for participation.

辦事處地址 Office Address:
香港北角英皇道 75-83 號聯合出版大廈 11 樓 1102 室
Room 1102, 11/F, SUP Tower,
75-83 King's Road, North Point, Hong Kong

If there are any question, please contact us at 2986-3311.

Thank you very much for supporting Children's Thalassaemia Foundation.

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